Golf Pros & Tennis Hoes
A few days before the wedding a bunch of us got together for a combined Bach & Bachlorette party. We wanted to include as many people as possible, especially for those who didn't get to go to Tim's Bach party in Vegas or Carolyn's showers.
Misty and David coordinated a van to drive (Thanks Dan!) us up to Seattle and party at 5 different bars/clubs. Carolyn and I were in competition all night and had to complete certain tasks to get points. Whoever had the most points won. I forget who actually won but remember it was a close competition.
Here's some pics from that night...

Misty and David coordinated a van to drive (Thanks Dan!) us up to Seattle and party at 5 different bars/clubs. Carolyn and I were in competition all night and had to complete certain tasks to get points. Whoever had the most points won. I forget who actually won but remember it was a close competition.
Here's some pics from that night...
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