Time Sure Does Fly By
I want to personally thank Steve for kicking me in the butt to update this page, Thanks Steve!
It looks a lot worse than it was. They treated it as a severe aprain, so no cast! I did have crutches and a walking cast for a couple of weeks though. Anyway, due to this injury, I didn't get to deploy. This only kept me out of the game for about 6 weeks.

They stayed at the world famous Banff Springs hotel, which is featured in many famous paintings and movies. They took this pic of the hotel while kyaking...
They had a great time!
I liked this one of a bookstore at Cambridge... I thought the books were going to be way more advanced.

This last shot I took because Carolyn works for Colliers International and I saw one of their signs. I thought it was pretty cool!
The Tacoma Oprea invited Carolyn back for both the fall and spring shows. She will be in Le Comte Ory in the begining of Nov, and Faust in the begining of Mach. She is extremely busy with all of here rehersals as he show is only 3 weeks away!! We never posted any pics of her last 2 operas, so here they are, Carmen and Orpheus in the Underworld (she's on the right) repectivly... 

The Italian Job happened right before my eyes! This is actually a safe they're moving.
What's happened in 6 months... I was preparing to deploy again but ended up falling down the stairs on the jet from the cockpit down to the cargo compartment. A maintenance dude left a voltmeter on one of the steps, I didn't see it and fell down the remaining 8 steps giving me 3 hairline fractures.
Since I was supposed to be gone for a few months, Carolyn made travel plans with her mom to go to the San Juan Islands, Calgary and Banff. (Note, do not adjust your screens, Carolyn's hair really is brown. She died it for a couple of months because, afterall, girls just want to have fun. She currently has her blonde hair again).
What else, oh, I got to go to Cambridge and London! I wasn't there very long but was able to walk all over the towns and see the big sites; Big Ben, The eye of London (ferris wheel), Parliament, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. Here's a couple pics;

I started my Master's degree at the University of Oklahoma. Obviously it's an online program and much more touchy-feely than I'm used to. It's a Masters in Liberal Studies with a focus on Administrative Leadership. There are multiple advantages to this course but none as great as the fact that it won't cost me a dime! OU charges $550/credit hour for non-residents and the AF pays up to $250/credit hour. OU realizes this and only charges military the 250 rate! It will take me 2 years to complete, and from the looks of it, a long 2 years as I've already had to write 5 papers in the first 2.5 months... GROSS!!!! Anyway, go Sooners. The good part is that I will have a college team actually win sometimes!

I also got to go to Venice!! Carolyn was a little upset because she wasn't there with me, but she's been before so it wasn't too big of a deal. Here's some pics...