Best Job Ever!
This is the view from the hotel I stayed at, The Royal Sun. The buildings by my head encompass a massive market with shopping galore! There are alleys upon alleys of shops. Here's a pic to give you an idea.
If you continued down the street shown above, you would end up at the water as seen here...
There are many things to do besides shop, such as enjoying one of my favorite past times...
This is "Alfa" beer, the best in Greece! After a few of these, it's always a good idea to get some food. However, it's probably better to forgo the pre-dinner cocktails as eating in greece will leave you feeling very "Happy"! Let me explain... Before dinner, you have to sip on a triple shot of Ouzo (clear liquor tastes like black licorice), you know, to cleanse your pallet. During dinner, you quench your thirst with 2 Alfa beers. One might think that was enough, but no!! To "settle" (as explained to us by the waiter) your stomach, you must embibe a shot or two of Rock...
The closest description would be Vodka. Oh yeah, it doesn't really settle your stomach as much as it upsets it, not like you care at this point anyway!
Anywho, it was completely amazing and a total blast. I would go back in a heart beat!
PS. I saw this and couldn't resist capturing it on film!