22 April 2008
Golf Pros & Tennis Hoes
A few days before the wedding a bunch of us got together for a combined Bach & Bachlorette party. We wanted to include as many people as possible, especially for those who didn't get to go to Tim's Bach party in Vegas or Carolyn's showers.
Misty and David coordinated a van to drive (Thanks Dan!) us up to Seattle and party at 5 different bars/clubs. Carolyn and I were in competition all night and had to complete certain tasks to get points. Whoever had the most points won. I forget who actually won but remember it was a close competition.
Here's some pics from that night...

Misty and David coordinated a van to drive (Thanks Dan!) us up to Seattle and party at 5 different bars/clubs. Carolyn and I were in competition all night and had to complete certain tasks to get points. Whoever had the most points won. I forget who actually won but remember it was a close competition.
Here's some pics from that night...
Wedding Pics
After a long, long, long wait, here are some wedding pics. Actually, these are a few of the page layouts that will be in our wedding album...

It's Been A Long Time...
Let's see... 5 months ago (my bad) we left off telling you about the honeymoon. Cinque Terra was beautiful, pretty packed though. Here's a picture of one of the "towns" as they all looked very similar.
We spent 3 days in the Terra, hiking all over the place and by the pic above you can imagine how many steps there were. It was an awesome view of wine vineyards on the cliffs overlooking the ocean.
Next, we took a train to Florence but took an unplanned stop in Pisa to see the tower. I always knew that the tower leaned but had no idea it was this drastic...
We got a cab to the tower but had to walk a couple miles back to the train station as every taxi we came upon worked for a different section of the city, very weird. We made our train time by 5 minutes and were off to Florence.
We saw pretty much all there is to see in Florence as we were there for 4 days. We went to Il Giardino Antico Da Babilonia A Roma (A big garden with old statues, flowers and a great view of the city).
The next site of note was The David, no not Feth, but the huge stone man. Here's a pic that I was yelled at for taking so it's a little blury.
Finally, we climbed the 500+ step dome of the cathedral. It was very impresive inside and the paintings on the ceiling were awesome. It showed the contrast between heaven and hell. They actually showed demons poking and slicing humans! It was hard work getting to the top but well worth it once we saw the view.
While in Florence we took a day trip to Sienna. It was an awesome city with huge walls and prideful people of each sect... we got to see one of the sects march through town playing drums an throwing flags.
We finished up our honeymoon in Rome for 4 days. Our hotel room was the penthouse over looking the Spanish Steps! Quite Incredible!

Next, we took a train to Florence but took an unplanned stop in Pisa to see the tower. I always knew that the tower leaned but had no idea it was this drastic...
Our hotel was AMAZING!!! We stayed right on the Arno river overlooking the famous bridge Ponte Vecchio. Here's the view from our room balcony...
We did a lot in Rome and there's no way I could say enough about it. It was an incredible experience. We saw the Pantheon, Colloseum, Neptune Fountain, Roman Forum, Vatican, Sistine Chapel, and St Peter's Basillica. Again, I can't say enough or post all of the pics so heres just a few...